Sunday, February 11, 2007

I love Norman Rockwell

Went to the Norman Rockwell Museum yesterday I've been there once before and have been trying to get back for a visit and yesterday was the perfect day for it. It's a pretty small museum and it didn't take long to go through which was OK because for some reason the paintings made me cry. I was walking around sniffing and wiping my eyes the whole time. My favorite are "The Four Freedoms" and the Christmas scene he did of main street Sturbridge.
I had lunch at Red Robin on the way back - cheeseburger,fries, and a chocolate shake - and sitting near me was the couple in the picture. Live Like you were Dying was playing on the "musak machine" and the guy in the picture was signing along - it was awesome. So cool to see that I asked him if I could take a picture of them. The song always makes me tear up (what doesn't honestly) and to see him so happily singing along was great. Thanks!!

I got busted on the way home - I was in line for the toll booth and I was listening to a song by Buck Cherry and I was "appreciating it" in an exuberant manner - i.e. dancing in my car like no one was watching and I see a flash out of the corner of my eye. I turn to see a guy in a tricked out red Honda give me a smile and the rocker sign (see photo) and being the uber cool "rocker chick" that I am - I give him a shy smile and the thumbs up. THE THUMBS UP!! Nothing and I mean nothing says cool like the Fonzie thumbs up. After that I felt like a dork and instead of going back to headbanging at the steering wheel I start to whistle a little and tap the steering wheel with my thumbs. It's hard being cool. Pictures to follow soon.


Darkhelmet said...

\m/ \m/


Anonymous said...

Rock on!
If it makes you feel any better, I've learned that a thumbs-up sign in some other countries means something like "up-yours."
Well, I don't know if that WOULD make you feel any better, but it's good to know, no? :)
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'm right.
--M's sis

Anonymous said...

My sister is doped up on cough medicine. Please forgive her. ;) It would've been really cool if your shirt collar had been turned up....
Wait a minute, didn't I give a thumbs up in that picture of you, Snooky, and me when we were dressed up for the '80s party? Aaaayyyyy!

Unknown said...

You did a give thumbs up in the pic and I loved it!! The thing I've found with the thumbs up is that once I start - I can't stop doing it.

mmm...cough medicine