Be sure to take a peek at my GuestMap thingy and put a pin in to mark your longitude and latitude baby!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
And another thing...
I don't care if Tyra Banks did get "fat"! That too was a complete waste of brain cells and air time. She completely went nuts with the whole thing with her "Kiss my Fat Ass" comment too. Good lord - give me a break! Over and over again I had to see the preview for that show and her half crying half screaming "Kiss my Fat Ass". If Tyra Banks is fat then please get me a ticket for the fat bus she's riding!
Maybe I watch too much TV or maybe people on TV are just sooooooo outta control that's it not my fault if it upsets me.
FYI so bored with American Idol I can't even comment. Maybe it'll get better when they get rid of some more people.
AND - Will somebody PLEASE BURY Anna Nicole Smith!! Give her some peace already!
Maybe I watch too much TV or maybe people on TV are just sooooooo outta control that's it not my fault if it upsets me.
FYI so bored with American Idol I can't even comment. Maybe it'll get better when they get rid of some more people.
AND - Will somebody PLEASE BURY Anna Nicole Smith!! Give her some peace already!
I heard on the news about the sorority in Indiana who terminated (not in the lethal sense) 23 of its members because they were "insufficiently committed to the organization".
The terminated members are saying they were let go because they weren't pretty or thin enough - or as they said "didn't fit the mold". I believe I actually heard them say on the news that they all got together in a room and looked around and realized - Hey we are all fat and ugly!
One member who left the sorority in protest said, "I think it's kind of disturbing that a sorority, which is an institution there to promote womanhood, would do something like this to their initiated members."
Um - it is disturbing but not surprising. Does she seriously think that sororities aren't about image - at least a little bit (or a lot depending on your view/experience)? That's like being surprised that an "ugly" girl isn't crowned Miss America.
I was in a sorority in college (I was one of the 'fat' girls so lord knows how I got in). I've been through Rush on both sides and it can be nasty and it does have a lot to with how someone looks and their "reputation". It is about fitting the mold.
The justification is that you don't want to bring someone into the house that's not going to fit in and who will then feel like an outsider. (Oh and then you have to terminate them later and it becomes national news because somebody got their feelings hurt and they want everyone in America to know they were kicked out of the club for being fat and ugly.) Awesome. Anyway...
I know how that sounds - the fitting in so they don't feel like an outsider later. But it's hard to tell from a few quick meetings what someone is really like personality wise - so the easy thing to go on is the outward appearance and what the sorority girl who went to Jr. high with the rushee's sister's friend says. Usually this all takes place before someone is initiated though.
I had a few things going for me during rush besides dumb luck:
I'm not sure if I have a point to all of this or if it even flows coherently - bottom line - sorry you got kicked out but really is it necessary to take up news time talking about it? I'd much rather hear about George W and the stellar job he's doing! Could someone please kick his ass out?
The terminated members are saying they were let go because they weren't pretty or thin enough - or as they said "didn't fit the mold". I believe I actually heard them say on the news that they all got together in a room and looked around and realized - Hey we are all fat and ugly!
One member who left the sorority in protest said, "I think it's kind of disturbing that a sorority, which is an institution there to promote womanhood, would do something like this to their initiated members."
Um - it is disturbing but not surprising. Does she seriously think that sororities aren't about image - at least a little bit (or a lot depending on your view/experience)? That's like being surprised that an "ugly" girl isn't crowned Miss America.
I was in a sorority in college (I was one of the 'fat' girls so lord knows how I got in). I've been through Rush on both sides and it can be nasty and it does have a lot to with how someone looks and their "reputation". It is about fitting the mold.
The justification is that you don't want to bring someone into the house that's not going to fit in and who will then feel like an outsider. (Oh and then you have to terminate them later and it becomes national news because somebody got their feelings hurt and they want everyone in America to know they were kicked out of the club for being fat and ugly.) Awesome. Anyway...
I know how that sounds - the fitting in so they don't feel like an outsider later. But it's hard to tell from a few quick meetings what someone is really like personality wise - so the easy thing to go on is the outward appearance and what the sorority girl who went to Jr. high with the rushee's sister's friend says. Usually this all takes place before someone is initiated though.
I had a few things going for me during rush besides dumb luck:
- I bought a bunch of new clothes for my Rush experience - thanks Gap!
- I wasn't from there so no one knew me from high school and I wasn't a "Murray or Marshall County girl" that dated the president's brother or slept with the football team (at least they didn't know about it - ha ha)
- I'd lost a bunch of weight the summer before I went to college so I wasn't fat fat
- They needed members ;)
I'm not sure if I have a point to all of this or if it even flows coherently - bottom line - sorry you got kicked out but really is it necessary to take up news time talking about it? I'd much rather hear about George W and the stellar job he's doing! Could someone please kick his ass out?
Monday, February 26, 2007
I am
In the vein of narcissism from the post of the other day...
I am:
I am:
- A hypochondriac
- A worrier
- An optimist
- A complainer/whiner
- A dork
- A baseball fan
- Addicted to Dunkin Donuts coffee (thanks Brian for reminding me)
- In love with Miami Ink - the Brazilian he/she body builder that wanted the devilish tat that looked like him/her - fascinating - I was glued to my TV
- In heaven when brownies with white icing are in the house - although they never seem to stay for very long
- Happiest when I'm with my Bugg, my friends, my family (in no particular order)
- A riot
- A big fan of the Captain
- Superstitious
- Pro-choice
- ADD - "Look there's a chicken"!
- Narcoleptic...zzz...zzz...zzz
- 34
- Not fond of the way one of my nostrils appears to migrating south as I age
- Without regrets
- Done
Your turn...what are you??
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Booty Vortex
Had a great weekend with Bugg and the girls! Friday night we went to the North End and had dinner at Monica's - it was amazing! Had Mike's Pastry and chocolate martini's for dessert. (Please note the picture of the couple with the matching full length fur coats.) Took Steve around Faneuil Hall on Saturday and Saturday night we all went to Johnny D's and had dinner and listened to a 70's disco coverband called Booty Vortex.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Word for the Day

Last week (or the week before I can't remember) it was Carne Asada - today's word is:
nar·cis·sism (när'sĭ-sĭz'əm) Pronunciation Key n.
- Excessive love or admiration of oneself.
- A psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem.
- Inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.
I like the way it sounds and I like the fact that my birthday flower is a narcisse so there. :-) And I like myself a whole lot ;)
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Doing "Stuff" on Sunday

Had a grande burrito time at Stef's birthday fiesta last night! Ole! Gracias mi amiga!
Kristin and I didn't get our lazy butts outta the house until almost 2 today. We hung out on Newbury Street - had lunch, tried to get manicures and trudged our way through the slush covered sidewalks. Good times! :)
Friday, February 16, 2007
Crazy like a Foxy Brown
What the hell is up with Foxy Brown and salon fights? Did she have a bad experience as a child?
She's already on probation for a salon fight she got into a couple of years ago and here she is in trouble again. Perhaps she should just do her nails and such at home and save herself the stress.
She's already on probation for a salon fight she got into a couple of years ago and here she is in trouble again. Perhaps she should just do her nails and such at home and save herself the stress.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
For Michelle
For your Valentine's Day Enjoyment
This was on Yahoo this morning
I find it sort of odd. The idea is nice and I've wondered what to do with my rings. But a company actually called Divorced Jewelry. I would think they could think of a better name or slogan
This was on Yahoo this morning
I find it sort of odd. The idea is nice and I've wondered what to do with my rings. But a company actually called Divorced Jewelry. I would think they could think of a better name or slogan
- Second Chances
- Starting Over
- Get it Right Next Time
- Screw You!
- Damn I screwed up but look at the pretty ring I have to show for it
- These rings won't leave a mark when you punch the crap out of your ex
- He took the kids and the house and the car - but I've got this cheap a** ring and a dog that pees on the rug
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Fun on the T
My own private hell
I got my car washed on Saturday. It's always a challenge for me because the automatic drive through car washes flip me out. (I think I might have written about this before ).
Anyway - I drive up to the car wash and the attendant is trying to guide me onto the track that will automatically take my car through the wash. I HATE trying to get my car on that stupid track - I start to sweat, I forget how to use the clutch, I do a lot of hand waving, a lot of reversing and pulling forward trying to get it straight so I don't rub my tires or get stuck (which has happened in the past) I beg the attendant to do it for me...but he just keeps motioning me on. I feel the *clunk/settle* as I hit the right spot (which is a relief) but then have to wrestle with myself to put the car in neutral and let go of the brake. I know in my head nothing bad is going to happen but it's really really hard for me to put it in neutral and let my foot off that brake - really hard. Then I stress when I get to the end - is it too early to put the car back in gear? Have I cleared the track? Are the attendants on this end going to wipe it down? Do I tip them? Do I tip the guy at the beginning? Did it really do an undercarriage wash?
Prozac, Xanax anyone?
Sunday, February 11, 2007
I love Norman Rockwell
Went to the Norman Rockwell Museum yesterday I've been there once before and have been trying to get back for a visit and yesterday was the perfect day for it. It's a pretty small museum and it didn't take long to go through which was OK because for some reason the paintings made me cry. I was walking around sniffing and wiping my eyes the whole time. My favorite are "The Four Freedoms" and the Christmas scene he did of main street Sturbridge.
I had lunch at Red Robin on the way back - cheeseburger,fries, and a chocolate shake - and sitting near me was the couple in the picture. Live Like you were Dying was playing on the "musak machine" and the guy in the picture was signing along - it was awesome. So cool to see that I asked him if I could take a picture of them. The song always makes me tear up (what doesn't honestly) and to see him so happily singing along was great. Thanks!!
I got busted on the way home - I was in line for the toll booth and I was listening to a song by Buck Cherry and I was "appreciating it" in an exuberant manner - i.e. dancing in my car like no one was watching and I see a flash out of the corner of my eye. I turn to see a guy in a tricked out red Honda give me a smile and the rocker sign (see photo) and being the uber cool "rocker chick" that I am - I give him a shy smile and the thumbs up. THE THUMBS UP!! Nothing and I mean nothing says cool like the Fonzie thumbs up. After that I felt like a dork and instead of going back to headbanging at the steering wheel I start to whistle a little and tap the steering wheel with my thumbs. It's hard being cool. Pictures to follow soon.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Because it's been on my mind - no I don't know why
Carne Asada - from Wikipedia
Carne asada is a dish, literally meaning "grilled meat", it is one of the most popular varieties of Mexican food, more commonly in the Northern parts of Mexico, in the states of Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas. It can be found as the main ingredient in tacos, tortas, burritos, or served alone as a meal.
Mexicans traditionally hold barbecues with Carne Asada as the main dish[citation needed].
In Mexico and the American Southwest, the phrase Carne Asada is the equivalent of a barbecue. It is meant in the "party" sense of the word, since the literal translation for barbecue is barbacoa, an entirely different dish in Mexico.
The term is also used to describe a social gathering where the dish will be prepared and served as the main course, the event is usually referred to as "a carne asada" or "una carne asada".
The dish mainly consists of pieces or thin cuts of beef, (i.e. flank steak, skirt steak) sometimes marinated, sometimes lightly salted or rubbed with salt, pepper and/or spices, and then grilled. It can be eaten alone, accompanied with side dishes, chopped and eaten as tacos, or chopped and used as filler for tortas, burritos etc.
It is commonly accompanied with guacamole, salsa, beans and grilled scallions. In the San Diego area, it is often found served over french fries.
Retrieved from ""
Carne asada is a dish, literally meaning "grilled meat", it is one of the most popular varieties of Mexican food, more commonly in the Northern parts of Mexico, in the states of Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas. It can be found as the main ingredient in tacos, tortas, burritos, or served alone as a meal.
Mexicans traditionally hold barbecues with Carne Asada as the main dish[citation needed].
In Mexico and the American Southwest, the phrase Carne Asada is the equivalent of a barbecue. It is meant in the "party" sense of the word, since the literal translation for barbecue is barbacoa, an entirely different dish in Mexico.
The term is also used to describe a social gathering where the dish will be prepared and served as the main course, the event is usually referred to as "a carne asada" or "una carne asada".
The dish mainly consists of pieces or thin cuts of beef, (i.e. flank steak, skirt steak) sometimes marinated, sometimes lightly salted or rubbed with salt, pepper and/or spices, and then grilled. It can be eaten alone, accompanied with side dishes, chopped and eaten as tacos, or chopped and used as filler for tortas, burritos etc.
It is commonly accompanied with guacamole, salsa, beans and grilled scallions. In the San Diego area, it is often found served over french fries.
Retrieved from ""
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
It's Freezing outside - FREEZING! I hate being cold more than just about anything. I hate sitting down on a frigid toilet seat (only in my bathroom - in public restrooms I follow a strict hover only policy), I hate that my fingers and toes feel like ice cubes just about 24-7 unless of course I sit on my hands or take boiling hot baths to thaw them out. The baths serve the purpose of a quick warm up but then I'm left with lizard skin that's not fit to be seen or touched by anyone! The Arctic air makes me cough, the indoor heat makes my nose dry up like the freakin Sahara, and I can barely venture out of my bed because the rest of the house is so cold all I do is shuffle around mumbling loudly about how &#)^#@ cold it is.
Having said this I'd like to say there's always room for ice cream. I realize this is crazy but even when it's cold enough to turn my constantly runny nose to snot cubes, ice cream has a warm spot in my heart.
Last night Stef and I had dinner and then went to our favorite ice cream spot for a quick fix. J.P. Licks has the best Oreo ice cream EVER and whenever we're near one we have to stop. As we are sitting there in our down coats, scarfs, gloves, hats, long underwear, and wool socks eating our favorite treat I realized just how ridiculous it is to be so blasted cold yet still go for the frozen treat.
Against my better judgement I'm posting a pic of me in the under layers of my winter get up (silk long underwear, knee high socks under wool socks). You can see that I don't miss too many (honestly I don't miss any) opportunities to eat ice cream. I'm also posting a pic of Stef (who looks as sweet as the ice cream) while she is eating the ice cream - note the full winter ensemble she has on. So there we sat - bundled up, shivering, eating frozen treats. Life is good :)
Monday, February 05, 2007
"Sunny" Florida
Just got back from a quick trip to Florida to see the parents and spend some time with Bugg. It was nice and sunny for the first 24 hours - we got to eat lunch outside on the Bay and I got to sport flip flops and my new pedicure for a few days. Steve and Dad were able to fish but it was mostly in the rain - sometimes torrential downpours (fishermen are crazy). Steve caught a snapping turtle. Not exactly a trophy bass but something to talk about. :-) It did stop raining long enough so that we could cruise around in the golf cart - my favorite thing to do when I'm visiting. I can't tell you how relaxing it is to wheel around in that thing. I'm sure it sounds a bit crazy but I love it. While it was rainy and overcast most of the time it was cozy and warm in the house and my mom was channeling Martha Stewart and Paula Dean with all the fabulous cooking! On Saturday we went to Highlands Hammock State Park. It's a really cool place that looks prehistoric - honestly there is an eerie feeling that a dinosaur could walk out at any minute.
We celebrated Steve and my dad's birthdays complete with cakes and candles. And had fresh strawberries, freshly squeezed orange juice and my favorite: homegrown tomatoes. The only bad thing was that the trip went by way too fast!
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