Violet has always liked sneaking away with our socks/undies and sniffing our shoes but it's reached a frenzied level of intensity this past week.
She chewed the insoles out of my favorite red shoes earlier this week (I had left them out and while I was at work she evidently had a really good time with them). This is the first time she's ever done anything with anything while she's been home alone.
Yesterday I was frantically searching for my other clog (running late for work) and found it in the living room - she had carried it off from the bedroom while I was in the shower.
This morning I found 2 pairs of socks scattered across the bedroom - keep in mind I did have the socks up on the desk and she usually doesn't bother with things up and away like that although she will nose around in the laundry basket for socks and undies. After picking up the socks I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and when I finished I looked into the bedroom and there she was - standing on the bed with my bra in her mouth and a GUILTY look on her face.
I so wish I had a camera b/c it was hilarious to see her face and ridiculous with my bra hanging out of her mouth. I laughed and chided her; she dropped it and dropped her ears back and got that pitiful "I know I'm bad I'm sorry but look how cute I am" look on her face.
This all leads me to the fact that I realized a few days ago that this is probably all part of boredom or loneliness so yesterday I got her a rawhide bone - she LOVES them but I don't give them to her often b/c I think they mess up her stomach.
This has been confirmed - She chewed it up in record time and sure enough - rawhide and Violet don't mix b/c she has the WORST gas this morning.
Violet is such a big girl now! I know what will aleviate her boredom...a friend! (Forgive me for insinuating you have the time OR desire to get another pet...but two dogs chew less panties than one). Actually, that's a flat out lie. Sometimes I feel I buy more panties than China can export to Macy's, and Macy's can ship to TJMaxx.
Since she is a puppy, this might not you leave a radio on? The sounds might help keep her calm.
Two dogs won't make it better. Calamity loves dirty socks and she hoards them in her little hobbit hole.
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