I've been sick with the crud for the last several days and while I was able to make it to work I didn't really feel like writing here while I was all doped up on 4 different kinds of cough and cold medicine. All those meds though have made for some interesting dreams...
I realize (fitting to ....and never mind I forgot what I was typing.
That's some of the cold medicine still hanging around.
Oh I remember - I realize looking back at the blogtastic blogs that I'm a complete narcissist - and I guess anyone who blogs has a bit of that in them - but really could I post anymore pics of me myself and I? Why yes - I could - and I'm going to.
Sometimes when I drive I like to snap random photos on me me me just for the hell of it and I like this one b/c I like how my eye makeup looks and I also like how you can't see my triple chins. And above all I like that I look happy and content.
I'll try to think of something meaningful/sentimental/witty to post to wrap up 2008 but in the meantime go snap some pictures of yourself and find three things you like about YOU YOU YOU.
You're so nice, nice, nice!
I'll tell you one of my favorite things about myself. Whenever I see a two people together and one is taking a picture of the other, I offer to take a picture of them both and promise that I have never run off with anyone's camera.
As for you, I can think of lots of nice things - feel free to ask any time!
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