Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Age is only a number

Having recently reached the age of 36 I have seriously contemplated a face lift - not in the immediate future but in the not too distant future. I would like an eye lift, a chin fat sucker outer, and a slight lift to the forehead and removal of the jowly jowls.

You may be saying to yourself - por que Natae - you look fabulous. Yes I think so too but if you'll go back to Halloween and the ma'am incident in Louisville you'll see where the seed was planted. That seed sprouted some shoots and leaves last night when my new hairdresser - a cute blonde of probably 23 - asked me what I did for Thanksgiving. When I replied I went to Ohio to see my Grandma she said "Wow - she must be really old".

*cough* *cough* *sputter* blah! I replied - "actually she is 'old' - 98 in a few days". But I so wanted to clarify with - she got married late and had kids late and what the hell do you mean exactly by 'wow she must be old'?? Do I look THAT old! Good greif!


Anonymous said...

Lexington, not Louisville.

Unknown said...

See - I'm losing my memory too - damn!

ae said...

You're only 36? I would have thought early 40's...

I kid.

Don't let it get to you. You're right, it's just a number.

As Groucho Marx would say, "You're only as old as the woman you feel."