Thursday, November 20, 2008

Say what?

Please check out the first slide of the America's Next Top Model slide show in the link above.

Back? Pretty girl - very striking but...

It says "thanks to her athletic figure..." Really? She doesn't really strike me as an athletic build - more tall and thin. Pretty much like every other model. Oh but wait - maybe it's b/c she doesn't have boobs - but again pretty much like every other model. And if they do have boobs then they are 'full figured' or 'curvy'.

If you go through the rest of the slide show - and why not - it's a bit like a train wreck - you might have noticed the word "Fierce" several times. I'm going to go on record and say I am tired of the word fierce and unless you are a gay man who is a bit on the queeny side, stop using it b/c you sound stupid.

I know ANTM has lots of fans - I have friends that never miss an episode - but I just never understood how modeling/models could be taken so seriously. Look at some of those pictures/poses: Posing as a heat wave, Voting is Sexy...they are trying hard to make it relevant but it just comes across so cheesy to me. And Tyra Banks drives me nuts.

I'm not hatin' on models - and it's not the short fat girl playing bitter - it's just seriously annoying.

Fierce annoying even.


ae said...
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ae said...

I don't mind people saying fierce, but unless your sport is competitive not-eating, I've never seen a model whose build was 'athletic'.

At the Sears in my hometown, they have department signs in both English and Spanish - I learned that the Spanish term for Plus Size is the much less harsh "Robusta".

So, there you have it.