Talking to several people this morning sparked a few thoughts...
Democracy in action is awe inspiring really...the peaceful transfer of power, the possibility of change and the hope it can inspire whatever your political beliefs may be.
One of the news stations interviewed the crowd in NY and a girl (18) said it was her first time voting and it was cool and she was happy her candidate won - her friend (also 18 and a first time voter) said that even though her candidate didn't win she was still happy to be part of the democratic process - and they celebrated together. They also celebrated right along side a black woman who was so overcome with emotion she couldn't put into words what this meant to her/us/U.S.
V.D said "I am a bit excited that our country actually elected a black man with a funny name" Indeed - me too! And both of us can say that b/c we both have funny names ;)
H.S. (paraphrasing) "It says a lot when during McCain's concession speech the crowd started to 'boo' when he mentioned Obama's name (McCain did hush them) and during Obama's speech when McCain's name was mentioned the crowd cheered".
I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who are disappointed that McCain lost and possibly even afraid of what may happen but as my 98 year old grandma said to me last night when I told her I had my fingers crossed; "No reason for that, we just take what we're given and make the best of it and trust it will all work out".
I told her yes I agreed but I would still be keeping my fingers crossed. I kept my fingers crossed until I heard that Obama won I said a tiny prayer out into the universe to help him lead and to help us follow/support him by putting away the hate, fear and move forward.
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