Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Are you kidding me?

You may know that I've had my fair share of creatures sharing my apartment over the last 5 months. There was the ant infestation, the daily spider encounters, the millipedes, the roly poly bugs, the moths and mosquitoes that fly in every chance they get, but this weekend was the topper.

We came home from somewhere on Sunday and outside the door – above the door frame – I saw this cocoon like thing. I inched closer and realized it was a BAT! A small creepy bat hanging upside down above the door.

The neighbors little boy was outside too so I called him over and he began educating us on how it was a fruit bat and it wouldn't bite us as it only liked to eat things like apples, and fruits, and mosquitoes...blah blah blah..all I can think of is the bat in my hair twittering and fluttering and tangling it into a big tangly nest...

Then his mom comes up the stairs and she, like me, was not at all amused by a bat being so close to our homes. I told her about all the other "creature comforts" of my apartment and she began relaying her ant stories to me - evidently they had/have ants way worse than I did. They had ants in their bed and at church one Sunday they marched out of her purse!

But back to the bat...we are several feet from the door watching the bat intently when it wakes up and takes off flying. Well I of course run and duck and cover my head - trying to remember that there's a small child around and it's Sunday so I'm doing my best not to cuss but screaming nonetheless. According to Bugg I was the only one screaming and flaying around.

I haven't seen it since thankfully but I am so ready to move out of this zoo.

As a Bonus - We also got a letter from Mission Management last week that we have a Peeping Tom in the complex. Apparently he likes to get his peep on early in the morning when people are getting ready for work. Good times at the Mission Brentwood apartments.


Anonymous said...

OMG you live in the 'hood!!!


PS Does Roofus like to eat bugs and bats. Maybe he can help a girl out.


Unknown said...

It wasn't supposed to be the hood dangit!

As for the cat - he does have fun batting around the moths - and he desperately thinks he needs to go outside but he wouldn't know what to do with himself once he got out there.

Only a few more weeks of 'hood' life!

Anonymous said...


You crack me up with your random adventures/experiences. I was caught in a bathroom with a bat out in Arizona. My boyfriend made it out the door but everytime I tried to leave it would wake up and flap its wings. It took me almost 20 mins before I worked up enough nerve to run past him. I wasn't scared but it was so freaky!We were laughing so hard! I managed to get a picture of it and everytime I look at it I laugh. ;)
