And Monday will be here before ya know it *sigh*
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Out the office window
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Best Job Ever?
Bugg knew a guy in college named Scooter (of course) who had an interesting job. He worked at the local Movie World video store in Murray and his job was to watch the pornos so he could tell inquiring customers about them should they...inquire.
I didn't even know such a job existed before he told me the story last weekend. I wonder what Scooter used to give the movies a rating since the thumbs up/thumbs down system was already taken...
I didn't even know such a job existed before he told me the story last weekend. I wonder what Scooter used to give the movies a rating since the thumbs up/thumbs down system was already taken...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Are you kidding me?
You may know that I've had my fair share of creatures sharing my apartment over the last 5 months. There was the ant infestation, the daily spider encounters, the millipedes, the roly poly bugs, the moths and mosquitoes that fly in every chance they get, but this weekend was the topper.
We came home from somewhere on Sunday and outside the door – above the door frame – I saw this cocoon like thing. I inched closer and realized it was a BAT! A small creepy bat hanging upside down above the door.
The neighbors little boy was outside too so I called him over and he began educating us on how it was a fruit bat and it wouldn't bite us as it only liked to eat things like apples, and fruits, and mosquitoes...blah blah blah..all I can think of is the bat in my hair twittering and fluttering and tangling it into a big tangly nest...
Then his mom comes up the stairs and she, like me, was not at all amused by a bat being so close to our homes. I told her about all the other "creature comforts" of my apartment and she began relaying her ant stories to me - evidently they had/have ants way worse than I did. They had ants in their bed and at church one Sunday they marched out of her purse!
But back to the bat...we are several feet from the door watching the bat intently when it wakes up and takes off flying. Well I of course run and duck and cover my head - trying to remember that there's a small child around and it's Sunday so I'm doing my best not to cuss but screaming nonetheless. According to Bugg I was the only one screaming and flaying around.
I haven't seen it since thankfully but I am so ready to move out of this zoo.
As a Bonus - We also got a letter from Mission Management last week that we have a Peeping Tom in the complex. Apparently he likes to get his peep on early in the morning when people are getting ready for work. Good times at the Mission Brentwood apartments.
We came home from somewhere on Sunday and outside the door – above the door frame – I saw this cocoon like thing. I inched closer and realized it was a BAT! A small creepy bat hanging upside down above the door.
The neighbors little boy was outside too so I called him over and he began educating us on how it was a fruit bat and it wouldn't bite us as it only liked to eat things like apples, and fruits, and mosquitoes...blah blah blah..all I can think of is the bat in my hair twittering and fluttering and tangling it into a big tangly nest...
Then his mom comes up the stairs and she, like me, was not at all amused by a bat being so close to our homes. I told her about all the other "creature comforts" of my apartment and she began relaying her ant stories to me - evidently they had/have ants way worse than I did. They had ants in their bed and at church one Sunday they marched out of her purse!
But back to the bat...we are several feet from the door watching the bat intently when it wakes up and takes off flying. Well I of course run and duck and cover my head - trying to remember that there's a small child around and it's Sunday so I'm doing my best not to cuss but screaming nonetheless. According to Bugg I was the only one screaming and flaying around.
I haven't seen it since thankfully but I am so ready to move out of this zoo.
As a Bonus - We also got a letter from Mission Management last week that we have a Peeping Tom in the complex. Apparently he likes to get his peep on early in the morning when people are getting ready for work. Good times at the Mission Brentwood apartments.
Monday, September 24, 2007
D.A. of the week and it's only Monday;_ylt=Asx5qPzq2yOR3vR3uHHqc7ADW7oF
This guy deserves everything he gets. He's an idiot and a pig.
This guy deserves everything he gets. He's an idiot and a pig.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Dumbass of the week - so smart yet so dumb
This girl goes to MIT and yet she doesn't have enough common sense to not wear what looks like or could be percieved to be a bomb to the airport.
She said it was art and she was proud to display it. She could have gotten shot on the spot - then of course her family would have been outraged and sued somebody.
She said it was art and she was proud to display it. She could have gotten shot on the spot - then of course her family would have been outraged and sued somebody.
Thursday, September 20, 2007

I'm not a bad person - I just laugh at inappropriate times...
When I see people - particularly old people (old people is the theme for the week apparently) riding around on Rascals it makes me laugh.
Not a mean laugh but giggles like someone is tickling me. I don't know what it is but seeing them motoring around the store or down the street sends me into a giggling fit.
Motor on!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Old People
Why do old people think it's ok to cut in line? Do their manners shrivel up just like their skin when they get old?
I've had it happen to me several times - most recently today at the Kroger pharmacy. I could see out the corner of my eye the oldie scooting up closer and closer to me while I was talking with the pharmacist and I knew she was going to make a move.
Then the old bat sprung into action... She patted me on the hand while I was talking with the pharmacist and slid her prescription across the counter in front of me and said she'd pick it up tomorrow and shuffled off into the distance.
As if being old and patting my hand made it ok to cut and interrupt me during my quality time with the pharmacist.
So I ran after her - body slammed her to the floor and taught her some manners. Kidding.
I can't wait to get old so I can have an excuse to be rude.
I've had it happen to me several times - most recently today at the Kroger pharmacy. I could see out the corner of my eye the oldie scooting up closer and closer to me while I was talking with the pharmacist and I knew she was going to make a move.
Then the old bat sprung into action... She patted me on the hand while I was talking with the pharmacist and slid her prescription across the counter in front of me and said she'd pick it up tomorrow and shuffled off into the distance.
As if being old and patting my hand made it ok to cut and interrupt me during my quality time with the pharmacist.
So I ran after her - body slammed her to the floor and taught her some manners. Kidding.
I can't wait to get old so I can have an excuse to be rude.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Somebody Got Married!
Chardale and Mike got married this weekend and we went to the wedding and partied down Marshall County style.
Chard was a beautiful bride and Snooky a stunning Maid of Honor. Megan and Kate came down from Springfield so it was a nice Sigma mini-reunion.
It was a busy/fun weekend and to top it off Rufus is back - he survived the flight and is adjusting to his new surroundings.
Here are some pics from the wedding :-)
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007
They make it so easy - Dumb Asses of the Week
This story is about a serious subject - drunk driving -it's bad you shouldn't do it - but if you take the drunk part out of the equation it's quite funny I think. What's even funnier to me is that I just wrote an entry yesterday about my former BFF and I doing the exact same thing when we were teenagers - minus the drinking. And honestly these two guys seem like they've got a good sense of humor although not the best judgement - their quotes particularly make me laugh.
This is my favorite part: They're planning to defend themselves in court with an argument that neither had control, so neither was driving.
This is my favorite part: They're planning to defend themselves in court with an argument that neither had control, so neither was driving.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Curt Weisenstein
Belleville, IL is a town near my hometown of Mascoutah. The main street in Belleville holds a lot of memories for me. My first eye doctor was there, I got my first passport picture taken at one of the shops there (horribly bad hair in that pic) and it was perfect for 'cruising' on the weekends when we were in high school.
We had so much fun driving up and down main street - one night my friend Laura got pulled over by a cop for supposedly running a red light (it was yellow but whatever) and she was soooo scared when the cop came up to the car she could barely contain the urge to cry and I was sooooo nervous I could barely contain the urge to laugh.
There were also the times when I would scoot the swivel bucket seat of my '76 Monte Carlo way back and I'd let Laura do the brake and gas while I'd be in charge of the steering as we cruised down main (why we did this I don't know). Main street has an old haunted theatre, a big water fountain in the middle of the rotary and used to have back in the late 80's all sorts of high school boys with mullets and Metallica t-shirts (ah sweet sweet deadbeats).
But more importantly it had Curt. Curt was a local guy who did odds and ends around main street and helped local businesses with errands - he wore a bright orange safety vest as he walked up and down the sidewalks doing his errands and you could just about count on seeing him if you were on main during the day. Although I never spoke to him I'm sure I must have waved at him at some point and smiled - at least I hope I did.
I found out yesterday he passed away from pancreatic cancer a few days ago - he was 69. While he was not nearly as famous as Pavarotti he was famous in our area and he was a kind soul and happy person and I just wanted to share him with you. Here are some of the articles written about him by the local paper
We had so much fun driving up and down main street - one night my friend Laura got pulled over by a cop for supposedly running a red light (it was yellow but whatever) and she was soooo scared when the cop came up to the car she could barely contain the urge to cry and I was sooooo nervous I could barely contain the urge to laugh.
There were also the times when I would scoot the swivel bucket seat of my '76 Monte Carlo way back and I'd let Laura do the brake and gas while I'd be in charge of the steering as we cruised down main (why we did this I don't know). Main street has an old haunted theatre, a big water fountain in the middle of the rotary and used to have back in the late 80's all sorts of high school boys with mullets and Metallica t-shirts (ah sweet sweet deadbeats).
But more importantly it had Curt. Curt was a local guy who did odds and ends around main street and helped local businesses with errands - he wore a bright orange safety vest as he walked up and down the sidewalks doing his errands and you could just about count on seeing him if you were on main during the day. Although I never spoke to him I'm sure I must have waved at him at some point and smiled - at least I hope I did.
I found out yesterday he passed away from pancreatic cancer a few days ago - he was 69. While he was not nearly as famous as Pavarotti he was famous in our area and he was a kind soul and happy person and I just wanted to share him with you. Here are some of the articles written about him by the local paper

I’m lucky for a lot of reasons I realize this but even the lucky ones can be touched by disappointment and I’m feeling it heavy on my shoulders today. People can be downright disappointing.
- The number of liars and the degree to which they lie and believe their own BS is extraordinary lately. The believing their own BS is what gets me the most I think.
- The lack of follow through and consistency is staggering. Remember – when you don’t follow up with someone or do as you promise it make the other person feel pretty worthless.
- The pure evilness of some people is overwhelming and it makes me wonder why it is that the good die young and the bastards live forever. The exception to this would be my grandma and grandpa and I’m sure a few of your grandparents as well – but generally speaking this seems to be the case.
And yes I have to ask – what am I doing to bring this on myself – but I don’t think it’s me. Or maybe….I’m lying to myself and I’m believing my own BS…or maybe I should just get a bunch of stickers made up that say “You Suck” and start handing them out to people who disappoint me.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
A Nice Long Weekend
I ended up not going to Boston this weekend - which of course makes me sad - BUT so far I've had an excellent weekend. I had lunch with Karissa - she grilled pork loin with fennel and bacon and it was sooo good and she cooked red cabbage and made sweet tea with mint from her garden. We finished off lunch with a tiny birthday cake and ice cream - sweet :) Her birthday is we got a bit of a head start on the celebration.
Bugg came back from KY this afternoon and we decided to be adventurous and check out downtown Nashvegas. First we went to Art at the Arcade - First Saturday Gallery Crawl. It was FOC (free of charge) and we visited several galleries - it was... interesting. One of my favorite things to do at art galleries is to watch all the uber cool artsy types walk around looking uber cool and artsy. I'm neither of the those things so it's really not my scene and Bugg leaned over and whispered to me at one point "I stick out like a turd in a punch bowl". But it was fun to do something different.
Then we headed down towards Printer's Alley and stopped by Nashville Nights - a hole in the wall bar that didn't charge a cover - and listened to a girl named Ally sing with the house band. For about an hour we were the only patrons in the place but we did our best to cheer her on. She was actually really good - and sang some Journey and Pat Benatar which pretty much made my night.
A family came in at one point - the dad had on his Guns n Roses t-shirt and jean shorts, the mom had on some other black rock radio station t-shirt and jean shorts (Bugg had to point out that she was actually a she - I thought it was a man when she walked by) and the son also wore a black t-shirt and jean shorts. The mom was shaking her money maker hard core, pounding the Bud Light and singing along like nobody's business, the dad was video taping/taking pictures of Ally the singer and the son (probably not even 21) was standing against the wall looking really uncomfortable as his momma shook her booty in his direction. I was able to get a picture. Good times.
Then Abe Lincoln walked in and for a minute I thought perhaps I had taken an Ambien and was dreaming but alas he was real and I got a picture of that too.
I also snapped a pic of me and Bugg's mugs :) and one of my favorite shoes - which I wore tonight b/c well they just don't get worn enough.
Puttin the Smack Down on Wal Mart - sorta
Going to Wal Mart (or the Wal Marts as some are keen to say) is just about against my religion but lately I've been getting my groceries there b/c it is SO much cheaper. And yes I feel like I'm selling my soul to the devil but it's cheap and I'll work out the moral dilemma later...point of the story is not my soul - well actually I guess it is according the cashier we had last Sunday.
The Book of Natae - Chapter 1 Verse 1
Bugg and I are unloading our groceries and the cashier is beginning to check us out when the following convo takes place (some of you have heard this already)
Cashier "Would you like to donate $1 to the Vandy Children's Hospital?"
Me "No thank you, not today" (I was sweet about it)
Cashier "Well if it were me I'd think especially on Sunday I'd want to give"
Me - pausing for 30 seconds to collect myself and absorb what she said and decide if 1) I walk out right then without my groceries 2) Reach across the counter and tear her lips off 3) Respond politely or angrily.
I go with 3 and say "Well what you don't know is that my boyfriend gives every year to the Ronald McDonald House b/c his niece's family spent a lot of time there when she was a baby - so we give to them, but thank you for making me feel like crap" (and I said it politely)
Cashier "Well I'm SORRY" (all pissed off and hateful)
Me "That's ok - everybody's got a freakin' opinion" (not so politely this time)
And then she proceeded to throw our crap in the bags and I proceeded to stare at the floor or out into space seething and fuming and feeling like crap for losing my cool (slightly) and for not giving her the stupid dollar and upset with her for saying what she said.
I got my change back - $51.00 (hmmm) and left.
Fast forward to today - a week later - and I'm still bruised by it b/c it's none of her business what I do on Sunday or any other day so today I called Wal Mart and relayed the entire story to the manager - even that I was a crab too. He apologized and agreed that she was out of line and told me he would be speak to her. Whether he will or not I do feel like he took me seriously and did find her to be out of line as well. I feel better but it would have been fun to rip her lips off :)
Also - please note that I was wearing my Jesus shirt that day (pictured above.) You'd think that would count for something.
And I know a few things Jesus Wouldn't do - he wouldn't make you feel like crap when all you were trying to do was save a buck on groceries and he wouldn't be self-righteous and judgemental.
The Book of Natae - Chapter 1 Verse 1
Bugg and I are unloading our groceries and the cashier is beginning to check us out when the following convo takes place (some of you have heard this already)
Cashier "Would you like to donate $1 to the Vandy Children's Hospital?"
Me "No thank you, not today" (I was sweet about it)
Cashier "Well if it were me I'd think especially on Sunday I'd want to give"
Me - pausing for 30 seconds to collect myself and absorb what she said and decide if 1) I walk out right then without my groceries 2) Reach across the counter and tear her lips off 3) Respond politely or angrily.
I go with 3 and say "Well what you don't know is that my boyfriend gives every year to the Ronald McDonald House b/c his niece's family spent a lot of time there when she was a baby - so we give to them, but thank you for making me feel like crap" (and I said it politely)
Cashier "Well I'm SORRY" (all pissed off and hateful)
Me "That's ok - everybody's got a freakin' opinion" (not so politely this time)
And then she proceeded to throw our crap in the bags and I proceeded to stare at the floor or out into space seething and fuming and feeling like crap for losing my cool (slightly) and for not giving her the stupid dollar and upset with her for saying what she said.
I got my change back - $51.00 (hmmm) and left.
Fast forward to today - a week later - and I'm still bruised by it b/c it's none of her business what I do on Sunday or any other day so today I called Wal Mart and relayed the entire story to the manager - even that I was a crab too. He apologized and agreed that she was out of line and told me he would be speak to her. Whether he will or not I do feel like he took me seriously and did find her to be out of line as well. I feel better but it would have been fun to rip her lips off :)
Also - please note that I was wearing my Jesus shirt that day (pictured above.) You'd think that would count for something.
And I know a few things Jesus Wouldn't do - he wouldn't make you feel like crap when all you were trying to do was save a buck on groceries and he wouldn't be self-righteous and judgemental.
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