Friday, March 09, 2007

Why they gotta be from Ecuador?

Good news - we are getting new windows - so no more drafty cold arctic freezing wind
Bad news - we get them in April -which means - it's not going to be cold anymore


At least we'll be warm next winter.

In other news Snooky will be here next weekend for St. Patty's Day!

The next weekend I'll be in Nashville with Bugg :-)

Peace out freaks

1 comment:

Darkhelmet said...

Wow... that should've been right out of that song "Ironic"...

( the windows part.. not your travelling )

Speaking of which... that sucks that you're going to be there next weekend, in that I'm most likely going to be down that way the weekend after that.

Oh well.

I'm Audi 5000--G