Thursday, March 01, 2007


I was downstairs doing laundry in the apartment's common laundry area last night. The bottom floor has the laundry room, several ground floor apt's and a few entrances for those that park their cars in the back or those that just like the back door.

So anyway, I'm folding my clothes (read: throwing them back in the hamper) and I have my back towards the hall so I can't see anybody. I hear someone come in and as they get closer to passing the laundry room I hear a *poot*.

I didn't think much of it until it's followed by a guy's voice saying "I farted". I was thinking yep you did fart - I heard it. Then I realize the dude is by himself. I don't look up or at him because that would be embarrassing as I'm sure as soon as he said "I farted" is when he passed the laundry room and realized he wasn't alone in the hallway and he also realized that not only did I hear him fart but I heard him tell himself that he farted.



Anonymous said...

Michelle Younis

Everytime I need a laugh I'm going to read this post. Especially the last line. Cracked me up!!!

Unknown said...

Perhaps put it up on your bathroom mirror and start the day off right :) Just kidding! Glad you got a laugh out of it!!