I've been to the dentist twice this week...both experiences have been good. Dr. Dentist numbs me with a good dose of Novocaine and shortly thereafter my lips feel fat like someone hit me with an uppercut and the drilling begins. Today I had two small cavities in my front two upper teeth filled. I've never had any work on my front teeth done and it was an interesting/humiliating/funny experience. So after three shots inside my upper lip or lipf at this point cuz that's how I think I sound when I talk, my lip seem to swell up like a balloon and I feel like Bucky the Super Bucktoothed Beaver. I mean I literally feel like my two front teeth are so big/long/overbitten that I could eat corn on the cob through a picket fence. The image of this made me start to laugh (on the inside - always quietly on the inside). Then Dr. Dentist jams a bunch of gauze up under my upper lip - exaggerating the fatness of my lip and the buckness (?) of my teeth. The laughter is starting to creep to the outside... Soon the drilling begins and with that comes water and suction...the next thing I feel is water running down the side of my face down my neck and down my shirt to my back. At first I didn't know it was water - I thought I was actually drooling that much - and that's when it hit me - I must look like a big ol baby Huey sitting there in that chair, mouth all open, eyes squeezed shut, drool running outta my mouth - and it made me laugh. It's hard to laugh when you have all this business going on..but I started laughing. As soon as he stops drilling I bolt up - more water (now I know it's water) comes streaming out and the poor hygienist is doing her best to suction the whole mess but I'm laughing and choking and moving too fast for her to do much good.
I don't know how dentists keep straight faces when their working on patients. I know I looked ridiculous and if I'd been able to see my face I would have been crying from laughter.
I was reading this, and was thinking of That movie, Little shop of Horrors. Steve Martin's character is a Dentist, and Bill Murray is a patient that comes in and loves pain.
Won't take any novacaine, and the dentist keeps trying to hurt him and he just keeps wanting more....
he's screaming ( in joy ) and the people in the waiting room are freaking out...
Classic... Bill Murray walks out all filled with guaze in his mouth and can't talk...
I was drooling and gagging at the dentist just the other day too :)
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