Does anyone know who that crying
blond girl in the AI audience was and why was she crying? OH WAIT! British Invasion was the theme so I guess they had to have some crying
chicas to make it look like the Beatles or something.
Sanjaya sang his little heart out and his hair was normal - sweet little thing ;) That poor crying girl is going to die when she sees her ugly cry face on TV!! No one should have their ugly cry face on TV.
Mystery solved Natae!! It was only a matter of time since I check the People website every 2 minutes:
"Ashley's Back! She was undoubtedly the biggest star on last Tuesday's Idol and 13-year-old über fan Ashley Ferl, who cried her way through the show, made another appearance in the audience on Wednesday. She was red-faced and streaming tears 20 minutes before the show even began – but wiped them away as she made her way over to season 6 rejects AJ Tabaldo and Sabrina Sloan, who happily signed autographs for the young girl. And Ashley had one more request: She asked executive producer Nigel Lythgoe if she could get autographs from all the Idols, since she was unable to get them all last week. Lythgoe's response? "They all want yours!"
Michelle (Boston)
Thanks Michelle!! AI has a weird way of making freaks icons...hmm...hope to see you soon!
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