I'd like to add to my comment about the new show More to Love...the news anchor last night introduced a segment about the show with the words "a show that gives super size a whole new meaning".
Are you freaking kidding me!?!?!?!
He went on to describe how remarkable the bachelor was - the one looking for a 'real woman'. The way it was said gave the impression that this guy was remarkably sweet b/c he was able to love the unlovable fatties. Then Mr. Wonderful (the bachelor not the news guy) said something about how he doesn't like really skinny girls, and how brave the fatties were to come and deal with their fat/self-esteem issues on the show. Skinny girls, fat girls, in between girls, we all have self esteem issues at one time or another - and I'd venture to say a lot of that has to do with the media. No news flash there I'm sure.
The whole thing just pisses me off. Most of these reality dating shows degrade women - and men for that matter...or at the very least make both sexes look bad...women act like slutty bimbos and men act like oversexed dogs.
I'm tired of talking and obsessing about weight as a basis of whether or not you're pretty or attractive. It gets in the way of what really is important - being healthy. But it's hard to obtain the healthy part when you're overloaded with image crap.
Amen sistah. I say chuck the tvs in the street and boycott women's magazines...nothing good coming out of either, if you ask me...
And while we're at it: why the *&^%^$$ do they make you buy a wedding dress at least 2 sizes larger than your actual size? Who is the genius that came up with that one? I'm a size 12 - so they make me buy a size 16 and pay extra for the material - wtf? (Which btw, now they have to cut back b/c hey, look at that, I'm really a size 12!). Yanno, the more I look around, the more I see that there is no "normal" size woman. But there are a hell of a lot of pretty women in so many shapes and sizes. We need more HGTV where the focus is on prettying houses and not your butt. Can I get a "what what"?
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