Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Jesus Christ is running rampant and other twisted thoughts

I'm on FaceBook quite a bit and it's interesting to see/stalk 'friends' and friends from years gone by. Most haven't changed much physically but some have changed spiritually - a LOT. Which is fine...I have no problem with people finding God or religion - good for you! Bless your heart, peace be with you, and mazal tov...but ...and surely you know there must be a but coming...

But...using Jesus as a way to drum up business on your personal networking page or saying 'Thank ya Jesus' in every status update, or argh! makes my skin crawl. It just feels insincere.

Maybe I'm jaded or maybe the Jesus freaks are taking the Lords name in vain way more than me when I say 'GD" now and then. Maybe they are twisting the whole concept of Jesus and religion to a point that is more evil and wretched then any non-believer could touch. It was bad enough, commercializing Jesus/God/Religion back in the day with Jimmy Baker, then came the bumper stickers and the billboards and always with the whole holier than holy attitudes...

We've been watching Carnivale through NetFlix lately and I'm telling you what - if you want to see the evil dark scary side of too much 'power' through religion and how easily people are led astray down the wrong path all in the name of Jesus - check it out.

"The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons" Ralph Waldo Emerson

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