Watched a little bit of Intervention this weekend. The subject of this one was a 20 something kid who was a raging alcoholic - so much so that his liver had actually stopped processing alcohol. Already that damaged and he wasn't even 25.
Anyway, he'd had a tough life so of course you feel for him but at the same time he kept on whining and complaining about how unfair life is, how hard it's been for him. This was pretty much his life: cry whine drink cheap vodka cry smoke cry drink drink whine...
While watching him cry and carry on I thought "Just take him out back behind the trailer and shoot him; put him out of his misery". Harsh? Maybe, given he has a disease he's doing battle with.
There are people that have the same M.O. We are all guilty of self indulgent pity parties at some point - but I'm talking cracked glass half empty people who, for no apparent or psychological reason, live in more or less a constant state of 'my life sucks' .
They are a total energy suck.
Perhaps a bottle of pills to go with the cracked half empty glass?
Okay, I totally know where you are coming from with a number of these thoughts. I am especailly bothered by the FB/Jesus thing. It drives me crazy. Its seems so fake. Not only the comments, but who the comments are coming from. There are one or two people I would like to lash out on, but I think that I'm better off letting it go. Wish me luck on being a bigger person than they are.
Life sucks for me because I don't have any pills right now or whiskey to wash them down with. This F$%^890 job gets in the way of all my fun. I think I'll quit.
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