Monday, April 27, 2009
Sometimes I go to the mailbox to check the mail and if there isn't anything good in it I put the mail back in the box, shut the door and go back in the house.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
The Misadventures of Flat Stanley and Two Gassy Bitches
Steve and I have been entrusted with the care of Flat Stanley (a paper doll).
Skylar and his classmates made their own Flat Stanley's and sent him to friends and family. We've been asked to take him around and show him the sights and sounds of where we live, what we do, etc. but to be careful b/c he was afraid of fire and scissors - he's paper see...get it? Fire, scissors...haha...
Skylar and his classmates made their own Flat Stanley's and sent him to friends and family. We've been asked to take him around and show him the sights and sounds of where we live, what we do, etc. but to be careful b/c he was afraid of fire and scissors - he's paper see...get it? Fire, scissors...haha...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Breakin' my heart
Reuse Reduce Re-duh
I was at Wal-Greens tonight and during the checkout/bagging process the lovely and slightly gimp armed cashier who is always so cheerful and happy was putting my sundries into a plastic bag when I saw and purchased a 'green bag'.
I proceeded to remove the items from the Wal-Greens plastic bag and put them into my new reusable bag when she drolly looks up at me and says "I'm just going to throw that plastic bag away". I asked, "You won't use it for the next customer?" She replied, "I'm just going to the bag away." My next sentence was going to be "WTF are you kidding me?" but I held my tongue, took my reusable bag and my plastic bag and left.
How much sense does that make to throw away a just about unused bag in perfectly good condition - especially given the fact that they sell and I bought a REUSABLE bag? People kill me.
I proceeded to remove the items from the Wal-Greens plastic bag and put them into my new reusable bag when she drolly looks up at me and says "I'm just going to throw that plastic bag away". I asked, "You won't use it for the next customer?" She replied, "I'm just going to the bag away." My next sentence was going to be "WTF are you kidding me?" but I held my tongue, took my reusable bag and my plastic bag and left.
How much sense does that make to throw away a just about unused bag in perfectly good condition - especially given the fact that they sell and I bought a REUSABLE bag? People kill me.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Living the Dream

I have a very dry laid back co-worker/friend who has been in a living hell for the better part of a year - and yet he has this great sarcastic sense of humor about it all. Whenever you ask him how he's doing he says, "Living the Dream" in this droll dry wonderful sarcastic tone.
Aren't we all Living the Dream? No matter if sometimes it's a nightmare; it's all about perspective and attitude.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Too funny
Bugg and I were trying to smile for the camera when Allison figured out she was recording us - the look on our faces is priceless - as in funny as hell.
Pre-Easter Dinner
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
American Idol Contestant Sighting

Saw Kristen McNamara at La Hacienda this evening while enjoying dinner with the Pardue's. I went up to her and said "Are you the American Idol girl?" She said yes. I told her we liked her and good luck and I wouldn't make it awkward or take a picture with her - good luck.
Then Darren asked if he could see her boobs. haha
She was nice enough - really pretty and cool looking.
Monday, April 06, 2009

I'm fascinated and disgusted by the world of the pathological liar. Whether they do it for 'harmless' reasons or deeper darker ones - it still adds up to the same thing for me. Stay away from me, far away.
It's amazing really that they have adapted in such a way that their lies do in fact become the truth - but it's incredible the amount of time and energy they spend keeping things straight - or tyring to keep things straight. But I guess really they don't spend a lot of time on keeping it straight b/c they seem to have no worries at all they will be discovered or called out.
I think that's b/c:
- The lies are so small or so grandiose/horrific/sad that no one dares question b/c surely something like that wouldn't be made up.
- They are likable - almost over the top with their sincerity and compliments but people buy it.
- The person/people they lie to don't compare notes so they can get away with it.
- Someone does compare notes or figures it out on their own and feels too awkward to say anything.
I've got your number liar liar pants on out.
Friday, April 03, 2009
Thank ya Jesus

Is this irony? I don't know...but I'd like to say thanks to the higher powers that be that I left work 15 min early yesterday.
Had I left at the normal time it's very likely my car would have been pummeled by flying rocks/debris and roof pieces. There was some sort of tornadic activity that hit work - turned over a semi truck on the highway near work and blew parts of the roof off and through rocks and crap from the roof into several cars in the parking lot. Lots of people I work with have busted out windows and sunroofs.
Thankfully no one was hurt.
Thursday, April 02, 2009

Watched a little bit of Intervention this weekend. The subject of this one was a 20 something kid who was a raging alcoholic - so much so that his liver had actually stopped processing alcohol. Already that damaged and he wasn't even 25.
Anyway, he'd had a tough life so of course you feel for him but at the same time he kept on whining and complaining about how unfair life is, how hard it's been for him. This was pretty much his life: cry whine drink cheap vodka cry smoke cry drink drink whine...
While watching him cry and carry on I thought "Just take him out back behind the trailer and shoot him; put him out of his misery". Harsh? Maybe, given he has a disease he's doing battle with.
There are people that have the same M.O. We are all guilty of self indulgent pity parties at some point - but I'm talking cracked glass half empty people who, for no apparent or psychological reason, live in more or less a constant state of 'my life sucks' .
They are a total energy suck.
Perhaps a bottle of pills to go with the cracked half empty glass?
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Jesus Christ is running rampant and other twisted thoughts
I'm on FaceBook quite a bit and it's interesting to see/stalk 'friends' and friends from years gone by. Most haven't changed much physically but some have changed spiritually - a LOT. Which is fine...I have no problem with people finding God or religion - good for you! Bless your heart, peace be with you, and mazal tov...but ...and surely you know there must be a but coming...
But...using Jesus as a way to drum up business on your personal networking page or saying 'Thank ya Jesus' in every status update, or argh! makes my skin crawl. It just feels insincere.
Maybe I'm jaded or maybe the Jesus freaks are taking the Lords name in vain way more than me when I say 'GD" now and then. Maybe they are twisting the whole concept of Jesus and religion to a point that is more evil and wretched then any non-believer could touch. It was bad enough, commercializing Jesus/God/Religion back in the day with Jimmy Baker, then came the bumper stickers and the billboards and always with the whole holier than holy attitudes...
We've been watching Carnivale through NetFlix lately and I'm telling you what - if you want to see the evil dark scary side of too much 'power' through religion and how easily people are led astray down the wrong path all in the name of Jesus - check it out.
"The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons" Ralph Waldo Emerson
But...using Jesus as a way to drum up business on your personal networking page or saying 'Thank ya Jesus' in every status update, or argh! makes my skin crawl. It just feels insincere.
Maybe I'm jaded or maybe the Jesus freaks are taking the Lords name in vain way more than me when I say 'GD" now and then. Maybe they are twisting the whole concept of Jesus and religion to a point that is more evil and wretched then any non-believer could touch. It was bad enough, commercializing Jesus/God/Religion back in the day with Jimmy Baker, then came the bumper stickers and the billboards and always with the whole holier than holy attitudes...
We've been watching Carnivale through NetFlix lately and I'm telling you what - if you want to see the evil dark scary side of too much 'power' through religion and how easily people are led astray down the wrong path all in the name of Jesus - check it out.
"The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons" Ralph Waldo Emerson
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