Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Say what?

My friend 'S' (for super) has had some trying times in the dating world. Recently though she was handed a nugget of comic relief courtesy of one of the online dating sites. The nugget was an email sent to her from John - a 'young 40' from Medford MA.
Bless his heart really but honestly this is not a good lead off/pick up line/introduction:

You look and sound like a real cutie !! I'm pasionate about a lot of things.... music, food, and Tickling Feet to name three. Yup I'm an expert Tickler !! I did research on laughter and ticklishness during my BA in psychology. Since then I have developed a combination foot tickle/massage that is a great stress release and total mind/body healer. Laughter truly is the best medicine. Think you can handle a little tickle torture in your life ?!?! :)

Men here's a tip: Don't lead off with your fetish and don't use the word torture in any context when trying to make a good first impression on a woman. Unless of course you're at a club or on a website for those types of things and you know the chick is into it - otherwise it's just creepy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! That was a precious nugget! I'd love a little tickle torture from a stranger with a foot fetish...NOT.