Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Jesus & Social Security

I went to the social security office today to officially become a 'Bugg' . I was expecting the worst considering the DMV experience, but I was surprised. It still left me wondering if there was a rich person's SS office somewhere - perhaps a whole suite of governmental offices just for the rich. It also still made me feel like I needed a bath but the wait was only about 45 minutes and there was the happiest man who came in talking about Jesus coming. He was 'preaching' to all of us and no one at the same time and he had the biggest more genuine smile on his face. I would have taken a picture but I didn't want people to think I was making fun of him.

At first I was annoyed b/c honestly the people I normally see doing this sort of thing are several bricks shy of a full load - but this guy was different.

I don't think Jesus is going to show up at the SS office - Jesus and Pedro maybe - but not Jesus Jesus.

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