Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Not the best way to start the morning...

I took the Mini to get it serviced this morning and was waiting behind a few other cars at the service entrance for them to open. It was 10 after 7 and I thought they opened at 7 so I was getting a bit antsy b/c they weren't opening the doors and I needed to get to work....

I had noticed a man dressed in a work coat and sock sat walking back and forth from a BMW to the entrance area. I assumed he worked there and thought he might be able to help me figure out where I could pick up the loaner car and get my car ready for service.

I got out and said 'Excuse me, do you know where I can pick up my loaner car?' He looked at me blankly and kind of annoyed and I repeated my question. He then said, "Can I ask you a question? Why did you ask ME that?" At which point (and it still makes me sick to my stomach) I realized that he thought I assumed he worked there b/c he was black - not for the real reason which was b/c he had on a black work coat.

I was immediately ashamed and explained to him that it was his coat and hat that made me think he worked there. He just turned and got into his car. I wanted to vomit.

The guys coat looked like a mechanic coat, I never saw him get into the car and assumed he was starting to take care of the cars who left their keys in the overnight drop box. It was a completely innocent assumption - it had nothing to do with his skin color - it actually had to do with what he was wearing and the fact that he was a guy - my bias/stereotype/prejudice is this: man+mechanic coat=mechanic. NOT this: black man=mechanic.

I so wanted/want to explain this to him. I know I'm guilty of certain prejudices and stereotypes but this wasn't one of those times and it made me feel sick.

I don't think he's completely innocent in all of this either - he didn't have to automatically assume I was being a racist ass - he could have given me the benefit of the doubt - but I guess the experiences in his life don't offer him that luxury. Sad really.


Anonymous said...

It's sad that this gentleman jumped to a conclusion without allowing you the courtesy of explanation. I totally understand your is not the skin that lead you to believe he qorked was other external factors....I think this man needs to get over himself a bit. :)


Anonymous said...

You've spent way too much time in Massachusetts...get over it girl.

Anonymous said...

What exactly is there to get over is my question? Feeling bad b/c she inadvertently offended someone? And what does living in MA have to do with anything?

Anonymous said...

The guy is an as*hole, no doubt about it

Anonymous said...

My hero

Unknown said...

I have to say
1 - guy is an asshole
2 - what do i have to get over
3 - you can never be in MA too long

Anonymous said...

How dare you think a black man would work as a mechanic at a BMW dealership? Carwash, yes - BMW dealership, no.

Anonymous said...

holy shiznit!