Tuesday, January 08, 2008

A variety pack

  1. Britney needs some help - and not the exploitative kind Dr. I think I'm a God Phil is offering
  2. Liar Liar pants on fire – they are EVERYWHERE
  3. My New Years Resolution: Let go of the ‘drama mamas’ and ‘unhappiness whores’ and enjoy 2008.
  4. If Huckabee wins I'm moving to Canada – here are some of the reasons why (found on what I think is a reputable website – don’t give me any shit if it’s wrong – it’s campaign season – all the info out there is wrong)
  • Believes purpose of marriage is loving relationship, not happiness (My question is - why can't it be both and doesn't it seem natural that if it's loving it will also be happy and vice versa? And of course he believes marriage has to be between a man and a woman. Good news Gays - you get to be happy b/c you can't be married - yippee!)
  • Does not believe in evolution (I just can’t understand this from him or anyone else – not even a tiny bit of belief in evolution?? Perhaps the website took it to the extreme and misquoted him - but no I think he pretty much does not believe in evolution - nada)
  • Thinks we should send illegals home so all in US can hold their heads high (For the record I don't have a problem holding my head high regarding the 'illegals' - it's the war, the dip shit President, and a whole other list of reasons that make it sometimes hard to keep the melon up)
  • A "grace Christian": dislikes "law Christians" AND liberals (I don’t know what a Grace Christian is and I’m afraid to find out - but isn’t part of being a Christian to be loving? Wasn't Jesus all about love? But I bet if Jesus knew about 'grace Christians' he wouldn't like them - he'd try to like them but he wouldn't) p.s. if you know wht a GC is please enlighten me -thanks
  • Does not support a woman’s right to choose (It's ok to kill prisoners (which I'm not saying I'm opposed to the death penalty) but it's not ok to terminate a pregnancy if say you were raped or molested or perhaps going to die as a result of the pregnancy? He also give a big NO to stem cell research - god forbid they find a cure for Alzheimer's or Parkinson's or ALS or any of the hundred other horrible, demeaning, crippling, diseases.)


Sarah: said...

I'll join you in Canada if Huckabee wins and frankly, also probably if Romney becomes president. I don't agree with McCain's politics, but I can respect him as the only candidate who has actually served this country that is at war and might have some solid ideas as to how to end it.

Now on to the Democratic nincompoops that I need to decide between before casting my vote...


Unknown said...

Amen sista!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you in Canada as well. It is scary that ANYONE, regardless of intelligence can run for President. They should be required to have an IQ test and a common sense test before allowed to put their name on the ballot at any level. After reading your list, I cannot imagine anyone much less informed than Mr. Huckabee!

As for who to vote for....wow....I have no idea! The dork that is least likely to blow up the world, I guess!


Emma Donnelly said...

Oh hey, don't forget the fact that Huckabee's son hanged a stray dog at camp one summer.

No big deal.