Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What I know for sure - like Oprah but cooler

  1. I hate yard work
  2. Mosquitoes LOVE me
  3. I'm out of shape - pathetically so
  4. I have a shopping problem - I love buying clothes
I know these things b/c today after work I pulled, tugged, and hauled limbs, branches and twigs up and down the hill in our backyard for about an hour and it reminded me how much I detest touching anything remotely related to foliage or other earthly delight. It gives me the willies thinking about the possibility of bugs and snakes hiding and waiting for me.

While I was hauling the downed limbs the mosquitoes were feasting on my legs and arms as evidenced by the welts/bites all over them.

I did manage to move some heavy branches and I went up and down the hill several times without passing out I could feel it and I know I'm too young to be so flabby and out of shape. Which leads me to the shopping problem - I decided during the yard work that perhaps I should be spending more time/energy/money on getting my fat ass in shape instead of clothing it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Part of looking good is feeling good, and what I mean by that is looking like a goddess in Michael Kors wedge heels! Girl, next time just wear your piggies in the garden. Maybe add a little lipstick and voila! Natural Bombshell. XOK