I found out today that the Super Weeble imageI posted awhile ago was done by an artist named Jason Chase. And I'd like to give credit where credit is due - that and he asked nicely that I not use his stuff without crediting him. Which is fair and cool.
Another cool thing is he's from Boston - So Girls go check him out Suburbanamerican.com!! I think you'll like him. Super Weebles rule.
In other Boston related news I went to a luncheon today and listened to the CEO of Dunkin Brands speak - they gave away free donuts and coffee of course and gift cards and cute t-shirts. I was in heaven. I know I have serious issues with my Dunkin Coffee Obession. Instead of OCD I have DCO. Ha.
And then after work RP and I went and did some browsing at some cute shops in the Hillsboro area and had dinner at Fido. It reminded me of Boston. It was even cold and rainy not unlike winter in Boston.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Cutest Brat in the World
Friday, January 25, 2008
Funny Dream
I woke up about midnight last night laughing my ass off. I have no idea what I was dreaming but I remember being sort of awake and sort of asleep and thinking whatever was going on in my dream was the funniest thing EVER! My laughter woke Bugg up and when he started asking me what was so funny I came out of the rest of the dream but couldn't stop laughing.
I told him what I was laughing about but neither of us can remember what it was...
I told him what I was laughing about but neither of us can remember what it was...
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Deal or Duh...
Miss Tater Day on Deal or No Deal just revealed she thought she needed a passport to travel to California. She said "I've never been on this side of that river." That river being the MISSISSIPPI.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Nice quote and appropriate for the holiday
We Must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
An adverb says what???
Top Pic: Me & Snooky in our "Blueberry Cocoons". Finally I can get/stay warm!!
Bottom Pics: Snooky, Bugg, Me in some candid spur of the moment totally not posed or staged shots
"An adverb modifies a verb". This was overheard at a bar we went to Friday night.
Saturday night was a decent night out at the Flying Saucer despite the fact there was no place to sit and hear the band (we sat in a back pool room instead), the waitress was terribly slow and almost devoid of any personality (it took 30 min and 4 times asking to get a water), and they were out of Pretzel Bratzles and regular Pretzels (the big soft German variety).
Friday, January 18, 2008
Here are a couple things I found in the toy section at Wal Mart last night...

My favorite - pictured below - is from their Spirit Warrior line
hmmm...I didn't think the Bible was down with this sort of thing...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Bugg!
If you'd have asked me I could have told you..

Apparently adults are just figuring out that kids don't like clowns...
Is this really news? I thought everyone knew clowns were an issue.
My favorite quote in the article is when Penny Curtis, a senior lecturer in research at the university says, "We found that clowns are universally disliked by children. Some found them quite frightening and unknowable."
Not sure why but the unknowable part makes me laugh...like a crazy scary clown...bwahahaha
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Holy Hooters
Went to church today and sadly was uninspired.
After church we had lunch at Hooters. Wasn't inspired there either but the hamburger was decent.
After church we had lunch at Hooters. Wasn't inspired there either but the hamburger was decent.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Where have you been all my life...

Lorna Doones are my new favorite cookie. I have been searching the office the last week for a nice cookie to go with my afternoon vanilla chai tea and nobody had any for the offering. I went down to the little deli in our building and there sitting on the shelf waiting patiently for me to open my eyes and see what had been there all along were lovely green 100 calorie packages of Lorna Doones.
Sweet sweet Lorna Doone. They taste similar to the Girl Scout's Trifoil (or whatever they have changed the name to now) but dare I say it...they taste even better. I'm quite simply in love.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Not the best way to start the morning...
I took the Mini to get it serviced this morning and was waiting behind a few other cars at the service entrance for them to open. It was 10 after 7 and I thought they opened at 7 so I was getting a bit antsy b/c they weren't opening the doors and I needed to get to work....
I had noticed a man dressed in a work coat and sock sat walking back and forth from a BMW to the entrance area. I assumed he worked there and thought he might be able to help me figure out where I could pick up the loaner car and get my car ready for service.
I got out and said 'Excuse me, do you know where I can pick up my loaner car?' He looked at me blankly and kind of annoyed and I repeated my question. He then said, "Can I ask you a question? Why did you ask ME that?" At which point (and it still makes me sick to my stomach) I realized that he thought I assumed he worked there b/c he was black - not for the real reason which was b/c he had on a black work coat.
I was immediately ashamed and explained to him that it was his coat and hat that made me think he worked there. He just turned and got into his car. I wanted to vomit.
The guys coat looked like a mechanic coat, I never saw him get into the car and assumed he was starting to take care of the cars who left their keys in the overnight drop box. It was a completely innocent assumption - it had nothing to do with his skin color - it actually had to do with what he was wearing and the fact that he was a guy - my bias/stereotype/prejudice is this: man+mechanic coat=mechanic. NOT this: black man=mechanic.
I so wanted/want to explain this to him. I know I'm guilty of certain prejudices and stereotypes but this wasn't one of those times and it made me feel sick.
I don't think he's completely innocent in all of this either - he didn't have to automatically assume I was being a racist ass - he could have given me the benefit of the doubt - but I guess the experiences in his life don't offer him that luxury. Sad really.
I had noticed a man dressed in a work coat and sock sat walking back and forth from a BMW to the entrance area. I assumed he worked there and thought he might be able to help me figure out where I could pick up the loaner car and get my car ready for service.
I got out and said 'Excuse me, do you know where I can pick up my loaner car?' He looked at me blankly and kind of annoyed and I repeated my question. He then said, "Can I ask you a question? Why did you ask ME that?" At which point (and it still makes me sick to my stomach) I realized that he thought I assumed he worked there b/c he was black - not for the real reason which was b/c he had on a black work coat.
I was immediately ashamed and explained to him that it was his coat and hat that made me think he worked there. He just turned and got into his car. I wanted to vomit.
The guys coat looked like a mechanic coat, I never saw him get into the car and assumed he was starting to take care of the cars who left their keys in the overnight drop box. It was a completely innocent assumption - it had nothing to do with his skin color - it actually had to do with what he was wearing and the fact that he was a guy - my bias/stereotype/prejudice is this: man+mechanic coat=mechanic. NOT this: black man=mechanic.
I so wanted/want to explain this to him. I know I'm guilty of certain prejudices and stereotypes but this wasn't one of those times and it made me feel sick.
I don't think he's completely innocent in all of this either - he didn't have to automatically assume I was being a racist ass - he could have given me the benefit of the doubt - but I guess the experiences in his life don't offer him that luxury. Sad really.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
A variety pack
- Britney needs some help - and not the exploitative kind Dr. I think I'm a God Phil is offering
- Liar Liar pants on fire – they are EVERYWHERE
- My New Years Resolution: Let go of the ‘drama mamas’ and ‘unhappiness whores’ and enjoy 2008.
- If Huckabee wins I'm moving to Canada – here are some of the reasons why (found on what I think is a reputable website – don’t give me any shit if it’s wrong – it’s campaign season – all the info out there is wrong)
- Believes purpose of marriage is loving relationship, not happiness (My question is - why can't it be both and doesn't it seem natural that if it's loving it will also be happy and vice versa? And of course he believes marriage has to be between a man and a woman. Good news Gays - you get to be happy b/c you can't be married - yippee!)
- Does not believe in evolution (I just can’t understand this from him or anyone else – not even a tiny bit of belief in evolution?? Perhaps the website took it to the extreme and misquoted him - but no I think he pretty much does not believe in evolution - nada)
- Thinks we should send illegals home so all in US can hold their heads high (For the record I don't have a problem holding my head high regarding the 'illegals' - it's the war, the dip shit President, and a whole other list of reasons that make it sometimes hard to keep the melon up)
- A "grace Christian": dislikes "law Christians" AND liberals (I don’t know what a Grace Christian is and I’m afraid to find out - but isn’t part of being a Christian to be loving? Wasn't Jesus all about love? But I bet if Jesus knew about 'grace Christians' he wouldn't like them - he'd try to like them but he wouldn't) p.s. if you know wht a GC is please enlighten me -thanks
- Does not support a woman’s right to choose (It's ok to kill prisoners (which I'm not saying I'm opposed to the death penalty) but it's not ok to terminate a pregnancy if say you were raped or molested or perhaps going to die as a result of the pregnancy? He also give a big NO to stem cell research - god forbid they find a cure for Alzheimer's or Parkinson's or ALS or any of the hundred other horrible, demeaning, crippling, diseases.)
Saturday, January 05, 2008
First Star Sighting
Had my first star sighting in Nashvegas today while out make up shopping with Rese. Leeann Rimes walked into Woo this morning. She's tiny and a either hunch backed a bit or just so skinny that her shoulder bones were sticking out sharply under her coat. She's beautiful - even without makeup - very striking. I didn't drool or go up to her but it was cool.
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