I turn 35 at 3pm today. Or as Snooky pointed out the other day - halfway to 70.
35 doesn't bother me but thinking about how fast this first 35 went, it is sort of scary to think how fast the next 35 may go. If I'm fortunate enough to be around for 35 more of course.
I like to think I will be - my grandma turns 97 in 11 days and my grandpa was over 100 when he passed so maybe I got lucky to get some of those genes. (if not I'm screwed b/c that means I got the senile genes and I'll be talking to the wall and wearing a diaper in the not too distant future).
So anyway back to turning 35. The day started off well and seems to be going in a generally positive direction. I woke up this morning to a big cheesy "Happy Birthday" greeting from Bugg. Then the girl at the Y wished me happy b-day on my way out - it was nice a surprise and made me feel even better about getting my butt up to work to. Guns n Roses was playing on the radio when I got in my car and when I got back home from the gym there was a pre-present and card from Bugg on the counter.
Lots of nice greetings from friends and family as well which makes it nice (thanks!). And double bonus Tori's water broke this morning and I'm hoping that she pops that baby sometime today so we can share a birthday! GOOOOOOO Tori!
It might seem silly but I took a picture of myself this morning to document "35". I think 35 is a big deal - whether it's because it's halfway to 70 or because it's 5 years from 40 or just because it means I got to be around another year - it's a big deal. So I took a picture b/c I wanted to capture the 35 and when I do hit 70 I can look back and remember how young I looked and how happy I felt.
And I just made myself tear up. Crap.
Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday!!!
Thanks Thanks Thanks! :)
Happy Birthday friend! It looks as though it was a really good one! Congratulations on your engagement! Can't wait to see what dress you choose!
Michelle (Boston)
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