Tuesday, February 14, 2006

It's like a Hallmark card....but not

I'’ve been reading like a fiend lately. I finished three books in the past week, each one better than the next (well actually the middle one was my least favorite - –still great though - but you get the idea).

  1. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
  2. Eleven Minutes also by Paulo Coelho
  3. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky ~ which I literally just finished two minutes ago

They made me think ~

Life, the Universe, God, or whatever you choose to call it, really does give you what you need ~ often hidden in everyday things. Like the strength to embrace those who try your patience and your will at every turn, or the realization that things have an end and even though at the time you can't imagine going on after that realization - you have a second realization that you can go on and you're stronger and wiser for having made it through - and even better is the peace that comes with knowing you wouldn't change a single moment of it.

Sharing funny stories and laughing your ass off over morning bagles, or afternoon walks and hallway talks about life with an unlikely new friend - or an old friend saying just the right thing - and the excitement shared of what the summer will bring with a new friend who felt like an old friend almost from the first moment. It's the chance to be 13 again for a few hours on a Saturday morning at a run down roller rink. It's the Jing, the thumbs up, the Tuesday visits from an infectiously "crazy"guy who visibly adores life, but who whistles a tiny bit too much, the unexpected card in the mail, the perfect song on the radio while driving on the perfect day, and Big Ben, fireworks, and fire engines on New Years Eve.

Finally it is the ability to wrap your mind and heart around the overwhelming gratitude you have for all these people who helped Life, the Universe, God give you what you needed - most of you probably have no idea of the "small" things you have done to fill my heart. If you are reading this (provided you aren't some random web-surfer) you can rest assured that I have a story about you and your kindness, your gentleness, your humor, your patience, or your strength. You can also be certain that I thank you for sharing it with me - sometimes it was obvious and apparent immediately -and other times it was hidden in the everyday things - but it never went unnoticed. I'll pass it on.


1 comment:

cathy perez said...

Hi! I admit I'm a random surfer of your blog. But i so love this entry. I havent read Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist but I so love his book "By the River Piedra I Sat and Wept."

I also want you to know that I'm blessed with the realizations you have with your other post. I just love your zest for life.

Thank you.
