I haven't written much in awhile and mainly it's b/c I haven't really had anything nice to say - not that that has stopped me in the past but lately it's just been a series of mild mosquito in my ear kind of thing(s) that's been bubbling and today it hit the boiling point. What follows is a list of things that piss me off right now.
- Status on FaceBook of a 'friend': "Jane Doe has enjoyed this beautiful weather the last few days! Thanks Uncle John for letting me drive your Astin Martin convertible yesterday while mine is in the shop!" STHU - is it really necessary to mention the car and to insinuate that you have one too? Do you really have one? An Aston Martin? I'm kinda thinkin' not b/c Astin is actually spelled Aston and if you had one you'd probably know that.
- Why is it when I try and look for something in Excel using the 'FIND' tool that it doesn't find what I'm looking for - I know it's in there, in fact it just found it for me 5 minutes ago. So be a sport Excel, work like you're supposed to work and FIND IT FOR ME! And no it's not operator error - I triple checked.
- Smelly hair - the unwashed smell - is something I have never enjoyed - my own or someone else's. I'm not talking about the one day smell but the 'It's been more than a few days since you've bothered to wash the scum outta your hair' smell. I was greeted with it first thing this morning while waiting to get my coffee. I gagged.
- If you provide the wrong address then chances are your mail probably won't get to you - don't be a d-bag and get attitude about it when it's NMF.
- Taxes - I hate paying them and I'd like to suggest that the Fed Gov or AIG give me some bailout/bonus, forgive my student loan, or just drop me 15K so I can pay off my bills. Thanks!
- Selfish, self absorbed, completely unself-aware, me me me people
- This random shooting BS that's been going on lately - STOP IT!
- People dying/getting sick - Stop that too, please
I'm self-absorbed, but my hair gets washed every other day - I can't wash it daily because I'd look (more) like a troll doll.
Can we still be friends?
Well we are all a little self-absorbed - but there's a fine line :) And you still make me feel appreciated so yes we can still be friends - even w/ your dirty hair. ;)
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