Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Enjoying Spring
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Things that Piss me off

I haven't written much in awhile and mainly it's b/c I haven't really had anything nice to say - not that that has stopped me in the past but lately it's just been a series of mild mosquito in my ear kind of thing(s) that's been bubbling and today it hit the boiling point. What follows is a list of things that piss me off right now.
- Status on FaceBook of a 'friend': "Jane Doe has enjoyed this beautiful weather the last few days! Thanks Uncle John for letting me drive your Astin Martin convertible yesterday while mine is in the shop!" STHU - is it really necessary to mention the car and to insinuate that you have one too? Do you really have one? An Aston Martin? I'm kinda thinkin' not b/c Astin is actually spelled Aston and if you had one you'd probably know that.
- Why is it when I try and look for something in Excel using the 'FIND' tool that it doesn't find what I'm looking for - I know it's in there, in fact it just found it for me 5 minutes ago. So be a sport Excel, work like you're supposed to work and FIND IT FOR ME! And no it's not operator error - I triple checked.
- Smelly hair - the unwashed smell - is something I have never enjoyed - my own or someone else's. I'm not talking about the one day smell but the 'It's been more than a few days since you've bothered to wash the scum outta your hair' smell. I was greeted with it first thing this morning while waiting to get my coffee. I gagged.
- If you provide the wrong address then chances are your mail probably won't get to you - don't be a d-bag and get attitude about it when it's NMF.
- Taxes - I hate paying them and I'd like to suggest that the Fed Gov or AIG give me some bailout/bonus, forgive my student loan, or just drop me 15K so I can pay off my bills. Thanks!
- Selfish, self absorbed, completely unself-aware, me me me people
- This random shooting BS that's been going on lately - STOP IT!
- People dying/getting sick - Stop that too, please
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Spittin Image

I got to spend a little time yesterday evening with Jennifer and Laura.
Laura looks just like Jennifer - she even does the same half smile that Jennifer does and as Jenn says "she's pissy like me too" :)
She's cute as can be with her fuzzy little hair and those big brown eyes and I did manage to get a few smiles out of her and she let me hold her a little too. She didn't seem to like it though when I tucked her into my purse and tried to take her home with me...
Monday, March 09, 2009
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Super Saturday

Bugg and I slept in a bit this morning and then had our first visit to Noshville - a New York Deli right here in Nashville. The pancakes were good the potato cakes were great, the people were friendly and we'll go back.
Bugg ended up going to Evansville to play some cards and I met up with Rese and Allison. We got pedicures, did some Targeting, and had some Chinese capped off with ice cream and watched Lars and the Real Girl. Bugg and I saw it earlier this week and I loved it so much I watched it again with R & A ~ I think they enjoyed it as much as I did. If you haven't seen it check it out. It's sweet and funny.
It's almost midnight now and it's started snowing! Loving the snow ~ it's not much but it's enough to bring on that peaceful prettiness that snow fall brings.
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