Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It just may be a lunatic you're looking for

I haven't written anything of substance in quite sometime. What do I write about?

I could go off and get angry at the right wing nuts but honestly I don't know enough to argue politics - I just know I dislike what they stand for.

Work is work. I've been doing the sales thing for just over a year and I like it but it's a lot of stress. I did manage to somehow get the MVP award at the sales meeting - but sales is all about what have you done for me lately? And lately I've just been working on getting my shit organized so I can meet my quarterly goals.

The MWIT has been relatively quiet - so I guess that means she is fat dumb and happy. As happy as a Borderline Maniac can be.

I shouldn't point personality disorder fingers at anyone b/c I deal with my own. I could talk about how it's a struggle most days to get out of bed and when I do get up if my hair is halfway passable I'll sleep in a little longer and forgo a shower. But that's just embarrassing really.

Perhaps I could go on Oprah and be the "New Face of Depression": happily married, good job, good friends/family, nice life but still can't quite kick the blues and manage the highs.

Then there's the real possibility that I'm going through menopause - just what my scrambled mind and emotions need.

See not very witty and fun to read is it? But maybe I should get back to doing this on a more regular basis...I could talk about how most nights I fight off the urge to nap/go to bed before 7 by playing Sudoku or Bejeweled on my phone. Sometimes watch TV but I have no interest in it anymore.

This is more like a pity party than a post but there you have it.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hey Lady Happy to see you write something again; all is well in rainy Seattle, hope to see you again sometime.