This is my friend Nate. This is Nate in his 'picnic' shirt. I told Nate this morning that I liked his shirt and he told me he has a pair of shorts that match, but that he doesn't wear them to work, although he does wear the shirt and the shorts together outside of work. So of course I had to take a picture.
Nate is awesome. Seriously - I wish you knew him (for those of you who don't). He's a very interesting person. He teaches bible study to youngins' even though he's a youngin himself - and yet he's not judgmental of me at all when I say inappropriate things or curse. He has a sweet wife and cute baby girl. He's funny and laid back and works in customer support - and honestly you have to be a special person to put do that job well and he is and he does.
Happy Valentine's Day Weekend!
I have nothing but love for Nate. I found out the day before we interviewed him he graduated from my rival High School, so I wore my sister's Letter Sweater to interview him. In the middle of summer. To his credit, he laughed. He got the job, too.
Who is this Nate you speak of? The guy in the picture, I learned Saturday night, is Magnum. And yes, Magnum rocks.
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