- We are all sober
- Stefanie (on the left) was the only one intentionally making a "crazy" face - she thought that's what we were going to do - Kristin and I - we just naturally look crazy.
I think the homeless person (see picture) I saw on the train a few weeks ago sums it up best...
"I got no worries, no job, no boss, no woman (no man for that matter) but I'm not against the gays, that's not my business, you wanna be gay be gay who am I to judge anybody. I've got 25 hallways I can sleep in anytime I want, I don't worry about anything. I'm just sitting here on this train enjoying my buzz. I'm not drunk, I'm just buzzed. Just riding this train, keeping warm. You white folks come out when it gets cold out - not like us black folks - we don't handle the cold like you do..."
He continued voicing the random thoughts in his head for the entire 20 minute train ride and it was awesome. He may have been buzzed but he sure did have the right idea: a) just sit and enjoy the ride b) live and let live c) don't forget to rest once in awhile d) don't worry too much e) if you're white be sure to dress warmly because apparently we like the cold :-)
From his picture you can see that he is dressed for the holidays as well which is nice :-) He clearly has the Christmas spirit.
Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!!