Alex and I went to see Lewis Black tonight (for Alex's birthday) at the Hampton Beach Casino in NH. More later on what casino means in New Hampshire...here are the pics of us with Lewis B. or as Alex called when he met him...Lew
I told him, because it was true, that I had to wait in line stuck between a guy with really bad dandruff and a very large woman who kept sucking her snot...like a snorting noise..you know what I mean when people try to clear the snot from their noses...she just kept going and going. He laughed and said that was his target audience. I patted his hand and told him it was worth it to get to meet him.
I was actually surrounded by the kind of weirdos that come out for county fairs (and I mean that in the nicest way possible....in Mascoutah for our August Fest the freaks come out of the woodwork...much like they did at the "casino" tonight) At any rate the others around us included a scrawny kid with a black trench coat and black hat on...think The Matrix meets Screech on Saved by the Bell, who was going on and on about how he wasn't moving out of his house because he had a super sweet deal on hi-def cable and man there was just no way they were going to make him move (he even did a few sweet dance moves while waiting in line) and oh...yes...the really really really drunk woman who's eyes were almost closed she was so wasted. She had a very nice early 80's feather hair cut working for her, and quite possibly a Members Only jacket...though I didn't get to read the label.
When we bought the tickets and it said Casino I was thinking like a big lit up like a Xmas tree casino...the one we went was so...um...run down we actually passed it twice without noticing it. It was on a boardwalk in front of the ocean and you could tell it had seen its share of salt water, winter weather, and years. And when we walked in it felt like a country bar...but the cool thing about it was that Led Zep and Janis Joplin played there many years ago. The show was really good...despite the fact the very first act, some obnoxious radio personality who started off with bad jokes about Eric Clapton's dead son and Christopher Reeve, completely bombed. I've never seen a comedian hit the wall so badly. The second act and Lewis Black were both really funny.
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