Wednesday, September 07, 2005

All Aboard the Crack express

More bus adventures...this is by far the worst. At the second stop this morning a man got on and since there weren't any empty seats he stood next to my seat. We are rumbling along in the bus and I turn my head to the right and what do I see? His underwear, ripped along the waistband AND a good three inches of his ass crack!

I couldn't freaking believe it...freckles and everything right there at eye level. I motion to the girl sitting up and to the right of me (she lives in our building) and I mouth the words..."I have crack in my face!" She laughed and I got the giggles but it was no laughing matter...crack is wack as the saying goes and it's really wack at 8 am smack dab in front of your face!

And the thing know how when you aren't supposed to look at something or don't want to look at something
all you can do is look at it (like if a stranger catches you staring you can't seem to stop staring) and so feeling trapped with no where to look I kept turning my head towards his crack. MY EYES, MY EYES!!


Anonymous said...

Just say no to crack. And tell anonymous to shut up about with the stupid quotes and random links!

Unknown said...

I'm not pleased with the random links.