I just saw a news report about the Superdome's big reopening - Big Game tonight - first one in like 2 years. It's a symbol of the rebuilding of New Orleans according to the report. Also in the report is a woman who lives in a neighborhood that is still having power issues and instead of normal street signs the intersections of the still dirty streets are marked with home-made street signs. Apparently it is ever so much more important to get the Superdome functioning again then to worry about the actual citizens of the city.
I realize I'm not saying anything new here but I was so disgusted by the whole thing that I felt like writing about it. I don't know how the news reporter got through the report without ripping his soul out from the shame. I couldn't believe he was actually reporting (with conviction) about "the big game" and how the players all knew "this was much more than a game" and in the same sound bite interviewed a woman from the 9th ward who still is not settled properly into her home - because she doesn't have a home yet.
Whatever - it's disgusting.