For various reasons I haven't written in awhile but here goes...
Kristin and I are all settled into the new apartment - Alex is settled into his place. Kristin has had a scary month -for info on that see her Blog http://bostongrrrl.blogspot.com/
I was on the train today about to get off when I heard the music coming from the earphones/CD player of the little Latino standing next to me. I immediately said to him - "Nice Song" and turned to my friend and said "Air Supply - All out of Love - circa 1980". Yes my friends - he was rocking out to Air Supply. I loved it!!!
Had a party for work on Saturday - a night of bowling - fun fun. I found it interesting that here in the Boston area when you tell someone you are going bowling the first question they ask you is "Big balls or small balls". I shit you not...big balls or small balls. Apparently they do a lot of candlepin bowling here which uses smaller balls. Who knew!